Energy Codes Coaching


Whether you are looking for someone to bounce some things off of to get a different perspective or there is a feeling of being completely lost and not knowing who you are, an Energy Codes Coaching session based on the work by Dr. Sue Morter, can assist you.

We have all been exposed to varying degrees of conditioning as we grew up—from our culture, religion, parents, teachers, or coaches. To some extent, consciously or unconsciously, we lived by the rules of that conditioning. Perhaps following the conditioning got us far in life. Maybe we were successful at some things and we were rewarded for it. Or perhaps we struggled and we had obstacle after obstacle in out lives. In any case, now we are seeking out a different way of being.

Situation by situation, coaching session by coaching session, the pieces will come together. The Energy Codes breath work and processes are the keys to collaborative, cooperative, and productive ways to create a lasting shift into wholeness.


Energy Codes Coaching.

What’s an Energy Codes Coaching Session like?

First, I connect with you. I active listen as to what the current challenges and goals are. Then I ask some question to assess a current snapshot of where you are at this moment in time.

Next, we will go into an Energy Codes process. Depending on the challenges or goals, we could use could be breath work, embodiment exercises, or visualizations.

Usually there will be a take home assignment of an effective process that will be productive in your life.

Then we will determine when a next appointment may be, typically in one week.



What are the Energy Codes?

Dr. Sue has taken her own experiences and her experiences with her patients and combined them with quantum science and spirituality to codify practices for living your best life. And then she wrote about it weaving in her live experiences in this book.

What is the Energy Codes breath work like?

Check out Dr. Sue Morter’s website for the Breath Code.

Who is Dr. Sue Morter?

Dr. Sue Morter is founder and visionary of the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science, the elevation of consciousness and life mastery. Morter Institute bridges science, spirit and human possibility. You can check out on her YouTube Channel.

To Schedule:

If you are new, please schedule a free consultation first. Or choose your desired session.

Click the session you want > Click ‘Set time zone’ > Choose a time > Fill in the form > Click ‘Complete Appointment’
